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2022 Iowa Water Center and Iowa Nutrient Research Center Grant Opportunity

2022 Iowa Water Center and Iowa Nutrient Research Center Grant Opportunity

The Iowa Water Center and Iowa Nutrient Research Center at Iowa State University will jointly fund research to explore the linkages between water quality and social well-being for Iowa communities.

The research focus for this request for proposals is social justice and equity issues surrounding populations impacted by water pollution from nitrogen and phosphorus. By seeking to understand downstream impacts and social well-being in relation to nutrient issues, the RFP will address the wellbeing of all members of society within the larger agroecosystem of the Mississippi River Basin.

Potential topics include:

  • The intersection between water quality and water quantity
  • Assessment of nutrient impacts on tourism/recreation,
  • Water quality impacts on rural communities and water utility associations,
  • Management and monitoring strategies by downstream communities,
  • Assessment of community and watershed coalition activities to address nutrient management issues.

Studies focused on human-health impacts do not qualify for this RFP.

Projects must be led by Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, or the University of Northern Iowa. Priority will be given to proposals that engage early career faculty or engage graduate and undergraduate students. Other research partners can include local communities, utilities, agencies, businesses, and landowners.

Applicants must submit a proposal intention by November 1, 2021, 5 p.m. CDT, with full proposals due November 15, 2021, 5 p.m. CDT. Funded projects may start as early as March 2022.

The total amount available is $60,000 to support one or multiple projects. Funding for this grant opportunity comes from the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and the Iowa Water Center. Matching funds are not required for this grant competition.

Access full RFP here.

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