Ames, Iowa: The 2022 Iowa Water Conference is open for registration and invites water-related researchers, practitioners, students, and other professionals to attend September 28-29th at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, Iowa.
This year’s theme is “Our Watershed Moment, Building Communities for Conservation.” The conference focus will be on collaborative relationships within water resource management. Presentations will outline success stories and lessons learned from new and continuing water partnerships among a variety of stakeholders.
New this year is a pre-conference tour on September 27th sponsored by Impact 7G. The free tour, “Field of Dreams Watershed: Bringing People Back to the Water” will highlight efforts to improve the water quality of streams around the iconic “Field of Dreams” site and their impact on local economic and recreational opportunities. A networking reception sponsored by JEO Consulting will be held at the Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium.
“For the first time in two years the conference will be held in person,” said Rick Cruse, Iowa Water Center Director. “We are excited to program an event that will feature the culture of the City of Dubuque and emphasize the collaborative efforts that make watershed work successful.”
The Iowa Water Conference is organized through a collaborative effort among Iowa-based institutions, government agencies, and natural resource organizations whose representatives serve on the planning committee, led by the Iowa Water Center.
The deadline for early registration is before midnight on September 1st. Online registration is available here.
Questions and inquiries regarding the conference program can be directed to Laura Frescoln, Iowa Water Center (
The Iowa Water Center: The Iowa Water Center is a federally-funded organization part of the National Institutes of Water Resources. Located on the Iowa State University campus, it is one of 54 institutes located throughout the United States and U.S territories. The purpose of the Iowa Water Center is to identify water-related research needs, provide outreach and education opportunities, and disseminate information about Iowa’s water resources to the public to form better policies and everyday practices.