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Iowa Learning Farms Webinar: Building Water Resilience in the Corn Belt
November 9, 2022 @ 12:00 pm
Nov. 9 presentation features John McMaine from South Dakota State University discussing water quality and water management amid changing climate and landscape conditions
Ames, Iowa – The Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) conservation webinar taking place Nov. 9 at noon CST will feature John McMaine, William Mibra Griffith and Byrne S. Griffith Chair in Agriculture and Water Resources, South Dakota State University. Dr. McMaine is passionate about solving challenges related to water and weather through his work in Extension and Research in South Dakota. He regularly works with individuals and organizations across the agricultural and environmental spectrum to address challenges and assist in water management practice decision making.
Iowa Learning Farms is an Iowa State University Extension and Outreach conservation and water quality education program.
In the webinar, “Building South Dakota’s Roadmap to Water Resilience,” McMaine will draw on studies of water quality, water management, and soil health in South Dakota that are also relevant to producers in other Corn Belt states. He will highlight challenges related to climate and landscape changes. McMaine will also present current research from South Dakota regarding soil health and conservation drainage and how to build resilience into agricultural systems.
“As South Dakota continues to see changes to climate and landscape and as the Corn Belt pushes further west and north, the imperatives for improving water management in the field has implications for both the farmer and downstream users from water quality and water quantity standpoints,” said McMaine. “We cannot control the weather, so it is critical that we take effective steps through structural and management practices to ensure we make the most of the water we have to work with.”
Participants in Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinars are encouraged to ask questions of the presenters. People from all backgrounds and areas of interest are encouraged to join.
Webinar Access Instructions
To participate in the live webinar, shortly before noon CST Nov. 9:
Click this URL, or type this web address into your internet browser: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/364284172
Or, go to https://iastate.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 364 284 172
Or, join from a dial-in phone line:
Dial: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 364 284 172
The webinar will also be recorded and archived on the ILF website, so that it can be watched at any time. Archived webinars are available at: https://www.iowalearningfarms.org/webinars
A Certified Crop Adviser board-approved continuing education unit (CEU) has been applied for. Those who participate in the live webinar are eligible. Information about how to apply to receive the credit will be provided at the end of the live webinar.
Upcoming Webinars in the Series:
11/16: Sarah Noggle, The Ohio State University
11/23: Jacqueline Comito, Iowa Learning Farms
11/30: Lauren Salvato, Upper Mississippi River Basin Association (UMRBA)
12/7: Wendong Zhang, Cornell University