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Iowa Learning Farms Webinar: Species Selection for Bioreactor Woodchip Media Affects Denitrification Performance
August 31, 2022 @ 12:00 pm
Aug. 31 presentation features Iowa State University assistant professor and extension forestry specialist, Billy Beck discussing woodchip selection for bioreactors
Ames, Iowa – The Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) conservation webinar taking place Aug. 31 at noon CDT will feature Billy Beck, assistant professor and extension forestry specialist at Iowa State University. Beck’s research and extension activities focus on utilizing tree and forest resources to address water quality and quantity issues in the agricultural Midwest.
Iowa Learning Farms is an Iowa State University Extension and Outreach conservation and water quality education program.
In the webinar, “Woodchips and Water Quality: Can Select Tree Species Enhance Performance of Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactors?,” Beck will present the results from a study that investigated the impact of select woodchip species in lab-scale denitrifying bioreactors. He will also discuss current practices whereby bioreactors often utilize woodchip media of unknown species composition that frequently leads to poor and unpredictable nitrate removal performance. Drawing on the study results, Beck will highlight how utilization of select species may promote sustainable forest management statewide by encouraging on-farm or local production of species needed to deliver the best denitrification performance of bioreactors.
“Every species of tree has a unique combination of ‘extractives’ such as tannins, oils and resins, and we are learning that woodchips from some perform better than others for nitrate removal in bioreactors,” said Beck. “Utilization of bioreactor media, grown on-farm through sustainable forestry practices, may enhance water quality AND add value to the overall agricultural enterprise through leveraging the largely untapped potential of trees, forests and forestry on farms.”
Participants in Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinars are encouraged to ask questions of the presenters. People from all backgrounds and areas of interest are encouraged to join.
Webinar Access Instructions
To participate in the live webinar, shortly before noon CDT Aug. 31:
Click this URL, or type this web address into your internet browser: https://iastate.zoom.us/j/364284172
Or, go to https://iastate.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 364 284 172
Or, join from a dial-in phone line:
Dial: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 364 284 172
The webinar will also be recorded and archived on the ILF website, so that it can be watched at any time. Archived webinars are available at: https://www.iowalearningfarms.org/page/webinars.
A Certified Crop Adviser board-approved continuing education unit (CEU) has been applied for. Those who participate in the live webinar are eligible. Information about how to apply to receive the credit will be provided at the end of the live webinar.
Upcoming Webinars in the Series:
9/7: Emily Waring Ph.D., Iowa State University Alumnus
9/14: Brian Dougherty, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
9/21: Trisha Moore, Kansas State University