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Iowa Learning Farms Webinar: From Rump to Runoff: Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance Risks and Mitigation

Oct. 12 presentation features Iowa State University Postdoctoral Researcher, Laura Alt discussing antimicrobial resistance in agroecosystems and potential impact on public health Ames, Iowa – The Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) conservation webinar taking place Oct. 12 at noon CDT will feature Laura Alt, postdoctoral researcher at Iowa State University. Alt’s PhD research focused on characterizing and quantifying the effect that prairie strips […]

2022 Eastern South Dakota Water Conference

The 2022 Eastern South Dakota Water Conference will be held on Wednesday, October 12, at the McCrory Gardens Education and Visitor Center (631 22nd Ave., Brookings, SD 57006). The Eastern South Dakota Water Conference is held annually and features presentations from universities, local, state and federal government agencies, non-profits, and other stakeholder groups. The conference […]

Remote Sensing and Strategic Management of CyanoHABs Across the Nation Webinar

Join the Algal Bloom Action Team on October 5th as they host a webinar discussing Remote Sensing and Strategic Management of CyanoHABs Across the Nation. Presenters Gregory LeFevre and Corey Markfort from the University of Iowa will present on their exploration of complex HABs mixtures and mid-range remote sensing in Iowa lakes. Jennifer Graham from […]