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Tag: Watershed

Latest Past Events

ILF Webinar: “Phosphorus Exchanges Between a River and its Floodplain”

In the webinar, “Phosphorus Exchanges Between a River and its Floodplain,” Pete Moore will provide highlights and data from an ongoing study aimed at quantifying the inputs and outputs of sediment and sediment-borne phosphorus in the Nishnabotna River watershed located in southwest Iowa. He will present key results to date and what they suggest about opportunities […]


April 26 Iowa Learning Farms Webinar: Field-scale Mapping of Evapotranspiration

In the webinar, “Mapping Evapotranspiration at Field Scale,” Arenas will discuss the analysis and estimation of water consumption by crops at one quarter acre resolution. Sharing evapotranspiration data spanning 2016-2021, he will discuss the correlations between understanding water consumption by crops and water resource management practices.