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Iowa Water Center Announces Available Research Grants

Iowa Water Center Announces Available Research Grants

The Iowa Water Center Annual Competitive Grants Competition is open for faculty and graduate students at accredited institutions in the State of Iowa. This year, the Iowa Water Center is offering two funding opportunities: Graduate Student Supplemental Research Competition and a Targeted Seed Grant Research Competition.

The Graduate Student Supplemental Research Competition has funding of up to $5,000 for one-year projects for a maximum of three graduate students nearing completion of their program of study. This program allows for students to complete additional research objectives or products beyond the scope of their current water-related funded project. For this opportunity, proposals must address topics related to water resource management in Iowa. Iowa Water Center staff is available to assist students in the development of their submissions.

The Targeted Seed Grant Research Competition is intended to address the most pressing water research needs in Iowa, as determined by Iowa Water Center Advisory Board. The focus area for this opportunity is to assess the impacts of COVID-19 on water, the environment, and connected social-ecological systems. Potential topics of interest regarding COVID-19 impacts include precipitation and discharge; lakes, rivers, and streams; water infrastructure; effluent management, and water quality; and virus transport in the aquatic environment. Funding is available for up to $20,000 for this funding opportunity.

Research proposals must follow RFP guidelines and can be submitted to the Iowa Water Center via email (send to All applicants must provide an intent to submit notice by October 8, 2020 by 5PM Central Time.

Proposals are due October 15, 2020 by 5PM Central Time. Late proposals will not be accepted.

Access full RFP here.

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