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Meet the new Science Communications Intern!

Meet the new Science Communications Intern!

Post submitted by Solomon Furious Worlds, senior at the University of Iowa and Science Communications Intern for the Iowa Water Center

Hey, Hi, Hello:

I am the new Science Communications Intern for the Iowa Water Center! I am also the newest contributing author for the Iowa Water Center blog. A lot of new things in my life; however, my interest in water is not new.

When I was in the 5th grade, I went to science camp for a week. It was there that I learned my home state of California was running out of water and the best way to stop our water from running out was conservation. Since that transformative week in my younger days, I have been extremely conscious of my water usage.

Solomon Furious Worlds, senior at the University of Iowa and Science Communications Intern for the Iowa Water Center

Fast-forward to August 2016, my interest in the environment was refreshed. I was a fellow in the Climate Narrative Project, a program that features 6 to 10 individuals who learn about the various environmental issues plaguing our planet, then create a project centered on one particular issue. I focused on the beauty of woodlands (you can see a video of the project here). My contemporaries focused on climate migration, big oil, marketing the climate justice narrative, and much more.

While participating in this fellowship last semester, I met Hanna Bates and Melissa Miller at the Iowa Environmental Council Conference, two of the nicest people who happen to work for the Iowa Water Center. After a few conversations, a phone interview, and some paperwork, I was hired! I am excited to work with the Iowa Water Center and to learn more about Iowa water management. Over the semester, you will see a number of important scientific observations and discoveries explained in a more digestible fashion. My name is Solomon Furious Worlds and I hope that you find this entry, and many others, entertaining and informative.

Flow forward my friends,

Solomon Furious Worlds

P.S. That is my real name. Stay tuned for more pertaining to this fun fact.

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