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Archives: Portfolios

Environmental Justice for All: Nutrient Impacts on Lake-Based Recreation and Tourism by Rural and Socially Disadvantaged Iowans

Over the past 18 years, nitrogen pollution flowing out of Iowa to the Gulf of Mexico has grown by close to 50% and contributed 29% of the total nitrogen headed
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Understanding the Impacts of Coronavirus-related Reduction in Aerosols and Pollution on Precipitation and Discharge across Iowa

Among the many impacts of the COVID-19, the pandemic has led to improved air quality conditions in the countries under quarantine. Satellite-based maps highlight a remarkable reduction in aerosol and
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Catchment-scale hydrologic modeling of urban residential stormwater best management practices (BMPs)

The combined effects of urbanization and projected climate changes are expected to increase the already negative effects of urban areas on surface water resources. Increased runoff volumes, flow rates, and
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Coupling Physical and Societal Objectives for Decision Making in Water Resources Management

Sensor networks, built on the backs of the latest digital communication technologies, are increasingly being deployed in urban sewer networks and at regional scales to monitor flooding and water quality
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A Serious Game on Flood Mitigation for K-12 and Public Education

This project aims to create a web-based serious game geared towards educating K-12 and college students, and public on flood prevention and mitigation strategies, such that they are more informed
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Does food web structure modify the resilience of shallow lakes to harmful algal blooms?

Problem: Shallow lakes are the most common inland waterbody and are highly susceptible to eutrophication which often leads to frequent and severe harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs contain toxin-producing cyanobacteria,
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Strengthening the Foundation of Agroecosystem Models for Water Research: Precision Land Surface Analysis and Machine Learning for Enhanced Soil Maps

The state of Iowa is under increasing pressure to improve agronomic efficiency while mitigating soil and water degradation. Predictive agroecosystem process models are used to target solutions for soil and
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Next-Generation Stage Measurement at Ungauged Locations using IoT

The growing availability of smart devices with advanced sensors has increased opportunities for the Internet of Things (IoT)applications in environmental monitoring. Accurate and widespread monitoring of river stage is vital
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Fate and Ecological Impacts of Pharmaceuticals in a Temperate Stream Dominated by Wastewater Effluent

The central research objective will be evaluated via two specific project objectives and associated methods: 1) Quantify changes in CEC complex mixture composition through space and time, and 2) Measure
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Development of a Comprehensive Hazard to Loss Modeling Methodology for the Residential Damage Associated with Inland Flooding from North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones

We propose to develop statistical models to describe the relation between inland flooding associated with North Atlantic tropical cyclones (TCs) and impacts (direct economic losses and insurance claims) in the
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