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Archives: Portfolios

Watershed Scale Water Cycle Dynamics in Intensively Managed Landscapes: Bridging the Knowledge Gap to Support Climate Mitigation Policies

Recent flooding in the U.S. Midwest has produced dramatic scenes of inundated farmlands and cities. Current watershed management plans to help mitigate floods call for installing Best Management Practices (BMPs),
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Relationship of Nitroso Compound Formation Potential to Drinking Source Water Quality and Organic Nitrogen Precursor Source Characteristics

Nitroso compounds are a class that includes numerous carcinogens, mutagens, and tetraogens. Until recently it was believed that the occurrence of nitroso compounds in drinking water and wastewater was due
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An Integrated Immunological-GIS Approach for Bio-monitoring of Ecological Impacts of Swine Manure Pollutants in Streams

Thirty years after enactment of the Clean Water Act, 40% of our nations rivers, lakes, and coastal waters are still considered unfit for fishing, swimming, drinking or aquatic life. At
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Predicting Sorption, Mobility, Accumulation, and Degradation Potential of Antibiotics in Iowa’s Soil/Water Environment

In this project we propose to evaluate three common farm-animal antibiotics, chlortetracycline (Aureomycin), oxytetracycline (Terramycin) and erythromycin (a macrolide) with respect to their fate in Iowa’s soil/water environment. The expected
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Modeling, GIS, and Technology Transfer in Support of TMDL Development and Implementation in Iowa

This project integrates the research base on nonpoint source pollution control and watershed modeling and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) developed at Iowa State University’s Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Precipitation and Dry-Fall Deposition of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Iowa: Implications for Nutrient Transport and Water Quality

Atmospheric nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus; N and P) loading and transport through precipitation and dry deposition is one of the least understood and may be one of the most important
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Fate and Transfer of Antibiotic-Resistance Genes Excreted by Farm Animals

The use of antibiotic agents in fields other than human treatment has grown rapidly over the past few decades. Currently, the veterinary use of antibiotics accounts for approximately 40-50% of
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Water Quality, Nutrient Loadinig and Mosquito Production in Northeastern Iowa

Impaired surface water and West Nile Virus (WNV), two issues that are critically important to Iowans, may be interrelated. High levels of nutrients and other agricultural chemicals that contaminate surface
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Sequestration of Phosphorus with Iron Mine Tailings

Surface water quality is currently one of the most important environmental issues facing the state of Iowa since the ecological and recreational health of water bodies are threatened by non-point
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Effects of Grazing Management on Sediment and Phosphorus Losses from Pastures

Sediment and phosphorus loading of streams are major impairments of surface water sources in Iowa. While production of perennial forages may limit sediment and phosphorus losses in precipitation run-off, sediment
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