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Archives: Portfolios

Fate of Veterinary Antibiotics in Manure Lagoons

In the mass production of livestock, veterinary antibiotics are extensively used for disease control and growth promotion. One of the major users of veterinary antibiotics is the swine industry. Recent
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Tracing Sediment Sources in Eastern Iowa by Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes: An Exploratory Research

Sediment fingerprinting via stable isotopes relies upon the premise that the physical and chemical properties of sediment will reflect its provenance. Sediments from different sources in most cases have different
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Hydrologic Modeling of Subsurface Drainage for Predicting Drainage Outflow

Movement of water and nutrients though subsurface drainage systems is a concern in many Midwestern agricultural watersheds, including the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa. Although subsurface drainage has its benefits–it
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Vegetative Filter Education and Assessment in the State of Iowa

Vegetative filters are a best management practice used for the removal of sediment and other pollutants from overland flow from agricultural watersheds. Although there has been a significant number of
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Identification of Relationships Between Soil Phosphorus and Phosphorus Loss Through Tile Drainage to Improve the Subsurface Drainage Component of the Iowa Phosphorus Index

Many questions related to the impact of current phosphorus (P) management practices on P-related water quality problems are being asked by the public, government agencies in charge of nutrient regulations,
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Sensors for CyberEngineering: Monitoring and Modeling the Iowa River for Nutrients and Sediments

Excessive addition of nutrients to Iowa surface waters from nonpoint and point sources impairs our waters for beneficial uses, and it also affects down-stream users. Gulf Hypoxia, eutrophication, harmful algal
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Improving Water Quality in Iowa Rivers: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Adopting New Conservation Practices and Changing Agricultural Land Use

Non-point source pollution due to agricultural activities is a vital issue for the State of Iowa. This project will provide a first assessment of the overall impact of a large
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Impact of Swine Manure Application on Phosphorus, NO3-N, Bacteria, and Antibiotics Concentrations in Surface Runoff and Subsurface Drainage Water

Animal production systems are becoming larger, and the public is concerned about the impacts of large animal facilities on water quality. Of particular concern are losses of nitrogen (N) in
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Assessing the Impact of Ethanol Production and Sustainability of Alluvial/Buried Valley Aquifers with Groundwater Models: A Test Case for the Ames Aquifer

Concern about the impact of ethanol production on Iowas water resources has increased due to the large increase in statewide ethanol production. Water use at ethanol plants could soon reach
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Effects of Managed Riparian Buffers on the Integrity of Stream Systems: A Biological Assessment Using Fish and Invertebrate Communities

Interest in biorenewable energy is increasing due to concerns associated with continued reliance on fossil fuels. As the primary producer of crops used as feedstocks for ethanol production and other
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