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Archives: Portfolios

Development of Explicit Margin of Safety Methodology for Sediment TMDLs

Improved watershed modeling, uncertainty analysis and statistical techniques for TMDLs have been identified as immediate TMDL science needs by the National Research Council (US EPA 2002). Recently approved sediment TMDLs
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Urban Resident Education Integrating Investigations of Non-Point Source Pollution in Groundwater and Public Perceptions/Technical Understanding

The quality and quantity of groundwater resources in Iowa are a growing concern because of increased pressures on quantity and concerns about contamination. Interactions between land management, groundwater, and surface
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Biomass Harvest and Nutrient Management Systems Impacts on Water Quality

Excess sediment, phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) impair the majority of Iowa lakes and many streams also are impaired during some periods of the year. Most sediment and nutrients originate
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Time-Series Modeling of Reservoir Effects on River Nitrate Concentrations

Surface water from the Des Moines River is impaired by nitrate-nitrogen for drinking water use. Saylorville Reservoir is a 24.1 km2 impoundment of the Des Moines River located approximately 10
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Nutrient Transport and Fate in Vegetative Treatment Systems

Runoff from open beef feedlots is a contributor of nutrients to the surface waters of Iowa. Currently, efforts are underway to improve the runoff control systems on open feedlot operations
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Identifying the Primary Sources of Sediment in an Anthropogenically Altered Watershed

The sediment in transport within a stream is a complex mixture of eroded upland surface soils, collapsed channel bank material, and resuspended bed sediments. The proportion of sediment contributed from
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Community-Wide Urban Storm Water Planning Utilizing LiDAR, the WinSLAMM Model and GIS

Problem: Urban watersheds are composed of a complicated spatial fabric and are influenced by a wide range of often competing economic, policy, and public interest drivers and constraints. With increased
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Identifying the Primary Sources of Sediment in an Anthropogenically Altered Watershed: Year 2

The sediment in transport within a stream is a complex mixture of eroded upland surface soils, collapsed channel bank material, and resuspended bed sediments. The proportion of sediment contributed from
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Dielectric Measurement of Soil Nitrate Concentration

A fast and reliable method for in situ monitoring of soil nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentration is vital for understanding and improvement of N management practices focused on reduction of NO3-N losses
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Quantifying Field Water Balance Components as Affected by Shifts in Land-Use Patterns: Implications for Minimizing Agricultural Impacts on Water Quality in Iowa

Increasing energy demands, global warming and concerns about fossil fuel depletion has led to an increasing focus being placed on bioenergy crops in the US. Large scale land-use changes from
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