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Archives: Portfolios

The Economic Benefits of Mitigating Harmful Algal Blooms in Iowa

Since 2006, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has issued 190 advisories at state park beaches because of high levels of microcystin produced by harmful algae. Among those advisories, 142
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Denitrification in Agricultural Depressions by Nitrate Isotope Analysis

Iowa’s agricultural lands are among the most productive in the world, but they are also a large source of nitrate (NO3-)pollution. Ideally, NO3-is incorporated into crop tissues which are removed
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Quantifying Differential Sorption and Biodegradation of Pharmaceuticals in a Wastewater Effluent-Dominated Stream in Iowa

Wastewater effluent contains a complex mixture of biologically active chemicals, in-cludingpharmaceuticals. Many pharmaceuticals have demonstrated deleterious effects to aquatic organisms including endocrine disruption, causing intersex characteristics,and reduced fecundity. These biological
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Determining the Effects of Co-Nutrient Availability on Harmful Algal Blooms Across Varying Lake Types

Harmful algal blooms caused by cyanobacteria (cyanoHABs) are a serious water quality problem in Iowa’s lakes. The presence of cyanobacterial toxins in Iowa’s lakes can threaten human health and increase
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Developing Methods to Measure Internal Phosphorus Loading in Iowa Lakes

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) present public health challenges for communities in Iowa and around the globe. These blooms are most closely associated with in-lake phosphorus availability. Management strategies to prevent
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The Economic Benefits of Mitigating Harmful Algal Blooms in Iowa

In the United States, one-third of all agricultural output depends on pollinators. Unfortunately, the populations of native and managed pollinators such as honeybees and monarch butterflies have experienced significant declines
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Measuring Impacts of Lake Management Practices on Harmful Algal Blooms using Continuous Monitoring at the Iowa Great Lakes

The nutrient dynamics in eutrophic shallow lakes is complicated by a number of external and in-ternal ecosystem factorsthat control the timing and rates of nutrient availability. Depending on these dynamics,abundant
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Hydro-NPOSS: A Non-Proprietary Open-Source Software for Hydrologic Data Visualization and Model Evaluation

Emerging techniques and data sources such as satellite remote sensing platforms and field observation networks have brought an unprecedented opportunity for the hydrologic community to better understand hydrologic cycle. At
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