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The Second [Business] Day of Christmas: Green Infrastructure: Function

The Second [Business] Day of Christmas: Green Infrastructure: Function

On the [second] day of Christmas, the Iowa Water Center gave to me…descriptions for the breakout session Green Infrastructure: Function.

The following presentations will take place at the Iowa Water Conference in Ames on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Registration for the conference will open in January.

Native Vegetation in Stormwater BMPs: How to Put the Plants to Work
Chant Eicke, Professional Wetland Scientist, EarthView Environmental, Inc.

Establishing vegetation in stormwater BMPs can be a nightmare, often pushing design professionals toward reliance on aggressive, non-native plant species. By utilizing a few basic planning, design, and maintenance tools, native plants can establish, flourish, and provide superior performance.

Stormwater BMP Designs – Beyond the Designs and Drainage Report
Judith Joyce, Geologist & Professional Wetland Scientist, EarthView Environmental, Inc.

Are your Stormwater BMPs ugly muddy holes, full of sediment and/or weeding vegetation? Was it designed by the numbers, yet still “wrong”? Let’s look beyond the drainage calculations to an understanding on how natural systems work.

Installed BMP’s Can Make A Difference – Come and See How
Monica Smith, PE, President/Design Engineer, Robinson Engineering Company

Robinson Engineering has worked with the staff at the University of Northern Iowa to design and install a number of Best Management Practices in one area of their campus, resulting in increased aquatic habitats and better water quality.

Water Reuse- Retrofitting Last Century Technology for the Future
Meghan Funke, Limnologist, Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc.

We present a tool that quantifies the benefits (volume and phosphorus capture) and optimizes the design (storage volumes, operations) of stormwater reuse and harvesting systems. Scenario results using the tool show sensitivity to storage size and availability of green space.

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