Our water community of experts and researchers is ever-growing as research and technology is changing from day-to-day. The Iowa Water Center is building a directory of water experts who are not only focused on developing the science and furthering our understanding of water research but are also enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge with the public and policymakers. Membership within our community includes monthly Water Scholars newsletters, access to Water Scholars programming, and access to videos and other Water Scholars media programming. Being a part of our public directory enables the public and policymakers to call upon our experts for information requests and presentations.

Eligibility for our Water Scholars community must include at least one of the following:
- Be a faculty member, staff, or graduate student affiliated with a water resources related department or Center
- Have demonstrated expertise in the field relevant to water resources with at least one peer reviewed publication in the past three years
- An employee of a federal, state, or local government agency who collects data on water resources or coordinates education and outreach programming on water related topics
- NGOs affiliated with data collection, research, and education efforts (non-lobbying and/or non-advocacy efforts)